
We are a non-profit organization relying on donations from people who have a desire to support our ministry and our mission.

You can help us help new parents by sending us a contribution online, through mail, or in person. Not sure which method to use, or how? We’ll walk you through it!

  •  If you would like to make a contribution online, you can click here to go to a donations page for the Lake Wales Care Center. Once you’ve provided your contribution and billing information, you can scroll down and write “Choices Pregnancy Care Program” in the “Additional Details/ Donation Designation” section.

  • If you would like to contribute by mail, please send your contribution (cash or check) in a secure envelope to 140 E Park Ave, Lake Wales, FL 33853, attached with your full name, phone number, email, and the desired use for your donation. Or, print this sheet and fill out the information, then attach with your contribution.

  • If you would like to donate in person, call us and we’ll set up a time to get connected with you, or visit us at 210 Dr. JA Wiltshire Ave, Lake Wales, FL 33853, during our open hours and let us know you’d like to make a contribution (monetary or material)!

210 Dr. JA Wiltshire Ave 
Lake Wales, FL 33853

Phone: (863) 949-6360
Text: 863-354-0852
Fax: 863-676-1226

Office Hours:

Tuesday & Wednesday: 10am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 12pm

Other days and times available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY